Tuesday, November 27, 2007

More Pictures

Thanksgiving came and went with nary a picture taken. It seems that whenever these family events occur Amy and I are too busy running after one kid or feeding and changing the other kid to ever stop and take a picture. So instead of big family photos we have few individual shots of the kids as taken by Amy during the normal course of a week.

This was part of Harry's attempt to be more of an Asian man. Those of you that have seen older Asian men in track suits know what he was going for.

"This is not a chocolate chip cookie."

"Pretty please can I have fill-in-the-blank"

Antique Animations

Everyone who reads the Hart Herald knows by now that I am a fan of vintage firearms. However you may not know that I am also a fan of vintage animations. For a look back at the internet of the mid nineties, click on the animated gif image below.

Try saying "Hammer Time!" while viewing. I find it helps set the mood.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

3 Months Old Already

Where did that month go? Since the last post Eleanor has started laughing, Harry projectile vomited for the first time, and his gun is almost ready to go back into service. Thank goodness for that last one... I only had 8 or 9 years to spare.

I'm sorry to say I have no photos of his little illness but I am heartened to know he is not going to be too PC. He threw up at the multicultural festival. "Your culture makes me physically ill. *burp* In fact, I puke at all of the myriad cultures represented here today!" Of course, it is possible an amusingly timed sudden onset of violent stomach illness is just an amusingly timed sudden onset of violent stomach illness.

And now for the pictures.

Before you can laugh you stick out your tongue to show amusement.

"Touch the refrigerator? What do you mean you have forensic evidence? Is this CSI or something?"

This is how we got the Cartesian coordinate system.

Eleanor clearly has a future in horror movies. A future that she will never realize if I have anything to say about it. Only harlots get attacked by unstoppable masked machete-wielding psychopaths and I'm raising a good girl.