Saturday, October 18, 2008

Another Trip to Longwood

We finally made it back to Longwood Gardens. Our last trip is chronicled here.

It was a perfect day to walk (or scooter) amongst the flowers and trees. We met up with Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Christin and the fun began.

After the initial flurry of frantic running around, we settled into a more cerebral analysis of the plants. Pepper plants, specifically.

Harry was more interested in the sculptures.

As I type this Harry is saying "Fountain! Picture of fountain!" The fountains at Longwood were pretty impressive this trip. They've been doing a lot of work on the grounds over the last few years, and most of the projects are done at this point.

The indoor areas have also seen significant improvements. Harry continues to be fascinated by water. Eleanor is too, but we can't trust her not to just jump in, so we don't have photos of her.

We ended the day with a good family photo op, ruined by Dad wearing his hat like some sort of punk kid.

Maybe next year...