Wednesday, April 4, 2007

First Post

Hi. It's Dave and I have finally decided to start a blog. The primary purpose of this momentous event is to communicate with Amy's newly found family in Korea. The first few posts will likely consist of links to pictures and discussions of Amy's family in America.

I guess we can start with our trip to Korea in May, 2006. We were traveling to pick up our adopted son, Kim Jee-hoon from the Holt adoption center in Seoul. While we were waiting to complete the process Amy and I traveled to Busan to visit the place where she had been born.

Here are a few pictures from our time in Korea.

Near the end of the trip the adoption agency recommended that Amy visit with the post-adoption office and see if there was any information in her file. It was at this point that she learned about her parents and four older siblings.

We had to return to America with little Jee-hoon and our lives were very busy for a while as we all adjusted to the new situation. However, Amy decided she wanted to try to contact her birth parents and was particularly interested in contacting her older siblings. She wrote a letter to them and we just received a response from her older brother Dae-won. His family's website is here.

I think that will do for a first post but we'll try to update on a regular basis.


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