Thursday, January 17, 2008

Baby Pictures

The children continue to grow and gain new abilities. Harry is really starting to talk up a storm. It took him a while to get interested in verbal communication but he's quickly catching on. Why, he's even learning his spices and practicing his Rachel Ray smile.

Eleanor is plumping up a bit. It's a nice effect I think, very appropriate in a 5 month old. She has recently discovered that her big hands let her get into Harry's toys.

More pictures here from our trip to NJ over New Year's.

New Year's in NJ


Chris said...

Your kids are so dang cute.

mom said...

Harry and Grandma will soon be switching our roles in the kitchen as I become his sous chef and follow his instructions! Harry Hart has a certain ring, much like Rachel Ray. Perhaps Eleanor will be our "taste tester" until she is a bit older and then I'll turn my kitchen over to the two of them (with close supervision). Good to start kids early in life with cooking, carpentry, gardening, mechanics, cleaning, and laundry. Starting early makes it seem like fun, not work. Before you know it, you have raised a couple of capable, self-suffient kids and all of you have had fun along the way.
