Saturday, May 26, 2007

Chris's Visit

So I took a half day on Wednesday and met up with Chris. He just graduated from the MBA program at RPI and is unemployed as a result. Go second tier business schools!

Anyway, he came down in the morning and we hung out with Amy and Harry. Harry likes Uncle Chris.We also left Amy at home with little guy and went to see Hot Fuzz. I can't recommend this movie enough. Truly hilarious, topping even the impressive Shaun of the Dead.

Once back from the movies we tried to get pizza - awful, wretched Maryland pizza. Not sure why it is so hard to make edible pizza in this state and I don't want to put forth any hypotheses for fear of offending my neighbors.

After "dinner" Chris was in a sit-and-chat mood and after Amy went to bed he decided to show me an endless string of 80's cartoon theme songs. We commented on how Cobra is basically Al Qaeda with a bit more style. I fear the children raised in the 90's on Captain Planet and Power Rangers will not have what it takes to defend this nation in the years ahead. "Sure Sarge, I understand that terrorists murder folks and want to establish a repressive society that spans the globe, but don't our tanks pollute?"

Now compare that drivel with what I was raised with. YO JOE! Of course, sometime in the late 90's the CIA under Tenet managed to "flip"Cobra Commander. Now he works for us. Scroll down for the photo proof.

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