Monday, May 28, 2007

Hunting Clay Pigeons in the Wilds of Maryland

Spent most of today shooting with Jeff, Hutch, and Jake. My shoulder hurts. We shot a round of Sporting Clays, which is a game similar to skeet but involves moving around to a bunch of stations and shooting at random targets. It is basically golf with guns. Some of the stations are just sort of cut into the middle of the woods.

Jeff shooting a rented Beretta Over-Under.

Me on my trustworthy Remington 870 pump.

Jeff won out of the group of four but foolishly bet lunch with Hutch on the results of a single station. It appears Jeff's skill degrades with pressure while Hutch rose to the occasion. Lunch was on Jeff.

I also shot the old Remington 1900. Apparently I got it back together correctly but it kicks something fierce and had nothing but a hard plastic buttplate to transfer the recoil into my already tender shoulder.

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