Monday, June 25, 2007

The New Baby

So we are in the home stretch awaiting the arrival of the second child. We have known for sometime that we are going to be having a baby girl but after the last ultrasound we have a new tidbit of information.

We are going to be having a baby with a 97th percentile head. Of course when I say "we" I really mean Amy. I will just be there marveling at our giant brained daughter and trying to think of something comforting to say to Amy. Perhaps "With this giant brain of hers she will undoubtedly get a full ride to some prestigious school."

Anyway, without further ado I present a 97th percentile baby girl head.

And now I will add a hint for those who wish to guess the name of our top heavy baby. The name appears in The Lord of the Rings. Of course this clue has already been widely disseminated but I have another. What would Samwise Gamgee do in my situation?


Chris said...

I can't believe you are going to name your daughter Pipeweed Hart. Oh wait, that's Merry and Pippin. Samwise is a bit tougher.

David said...

I'm also happy I don't have a whiny little friend with a heavy ring to escort to the cracks of doom. That's why I said "What would Sam do in MY situation?"

Chris said...

You? I dunno, marry Rosie?

David said...

Good guess.