Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Other Delivery

So while I was sitting in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor to shove a needle into Amy's spine and numb the pain, I checked my phone messages. Lo and behold Briley Manufacturing had called to say the shotgun barrel and sub gauge insert tubes were being shipped from Texas.

So we had another delivery on Monday.
Shown here are Great Grandfather's refinished Remington 1900 and the two anodized aluminum insert tubes from Briley.

The tubes help reinforce the hundred year old barrels and make the gun safe to shoot. They also take the gauge down from a 12 ga shell (green) to a 20 ga (yellow). 20 ga is the minimum required to put down really nasty perps like lawyers.

Installing the tubes is easy, you grab a rubber hammer and tap them into place. Here they are nearly completely installed and it's a tight fit. I really can't wait to get Dad and Jeff together and go break some clays.

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