Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Guest Blogger of Sorts

Originally, I think I was supposed to be the main contributor to this blog. Seeing how my husband has more natural bent toward writing and commenting, I let him blog away with great results.

I would love to have shown you scads of pictures from Christmas 2008, but there were very few to be had. Harry turned 3 on December 23. Harry's birthday is affording him all sorts of great things. He starts preschool in January which I think he is greatly looking forward to. Turning three also gets him out of the nursery at church and into the AWANA group on Sunday nights, so all in a a momentous birthday.

Harry enjoying his Barbara Streisand. He got the Hello Dolly movie soundtrack for his birthday, compliments of WALL-E's favorite movie.

And then...the illness set in to our family and took over like some insidious Disney villain. We naively thought that we would recover soon and drove up to NJ to visit with our family. Where we remained still sick, steady state in fact. But we are thankful for having such gracious parents (Judy and Paul) to host us . The kids had a blast with Grandma and PopPop.

I'm also thankful for the most precious gift of Christ being born into this world so that he might save us from ourselves. Glory to God in the Highest, indeed!

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