Thursday, June 11, 2009

Longwood in Spring

So we need to do some catching up on the Hart Herald. In April we went up to Longwood Gardens, meeting up with Grandma and Pop-Pop. It was characteristically spectacular.

Harry and Eleanor both had a great time but for Eleanor it was her first opportunity to really enjoy the place fully. Of course it is still a little tough for her to keep up with Harry.

She did have a blast in the tree house. Eleanor must have spent a good half hour going up and down the steps, pausing only to ham it up for the camera.

Eventually Eleanor ran out of steam and it was just Harry ramming around. Fountains dominated the end of the trip.

He's like a young Korean Bernoulli.

"There's surely some way to relate the water's velocity at the base of the fountain to its eventual height achieved. Hmmm..."

But such intellectual pursuits where soon dispensed with, once we went inside and there were fountains you could play in.

That last one is clearly a child having wicked fun.

And here's a parting shot for Grandma. This trip introduced us to the Texas Weeping Redbud Tree.

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