Saturday, May 12, 2007

Gotcha Day!

Today is a special day for the Hart's. It was a year ago today that Amy and I officially took over taking care of Harry. His foster mom, Mrs. Lee, gave us little Jeehoon in a very tearful affair at the adoption agency. Well, all of the adults were tearful anyway. Jeehoon was not particularly concerned one way or the other who was going to feed and change him.

So it's been a good long year and we decided to celebrate. We took Harry to Brookside Gardens and walked around a bit outside before going into the conservatory. It was full of butterflies. Lots and lots of butterflies, many of whom were clearly not native to Maryland.

When we got back Harry took his nap and then got to open his Gotcha Day present. I think we successfully impressed him with the gift. More pictures here.


Chris said...

Harry is looking slightly less helpless :-)

David said...

But the book may still be too much for him.

Mom said...

A great way for us to feel participatory even though we are not on the scene for some of these special moments.

David said...

Excellent. You were able to figure out how to comment with no help from me.