Saturday, March 15, 2008

Grandmother's Birthday

We got to go celebrate Grandmother's (Harry and Eleanor's Great Grandmother) 85th birthday. Unfortunately Harry and Amy were unable to attend the actual party on Sunday, in part because Harry has fully embraced the concept of the Terrible Twos.

Grandmother was in good spirits but a little weak to hold a big girl like Eleanor.

The rest of the weekend was pretty successful, with the kids somehow keeping to their schedules.

In our little language development classes we are taking to help Harry express himself we have learned the various classifications of children based on their language abilities. Harry started off the class as a "First Words User" but is moving on into the "Combiner" phase. Mom got evidence of this capability when she broke out the breakfast food for the weekend. Harry knows "coffee" and he knows "cake" and he quickly realized the wonderful result of combining those two words.

Dad had to do some work from home to make sure the "Exchange" had dealt with the time change seamlessly. This took a surprisingly long time to do but Eleanor was patient.

And after all that tough work was done, Dad relaxed with Harry to watch some Toy Story. (The actual order of weekend events may be altered to aid me in making a narrative.) Harry is completely obsessed with Toy Story (except when he is completely obsessed with spices.)

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