Thursday, March 27, 2008

This be mighty disheartening news... arrr...

We be reliably informed Talk Like A Pirate Day be September 19th. This be a sore blow indeed, me hearties. Me devilish squint to freeze a man's heart be perfected and the peg legs in place. What scurvy dog did decree such a far off date thar? Nothing fer it but to drown me sorrows in grog. Bring me me baba or ye be askin for a keel haulin!


Chris said...

Looks like she has no feet! But what a cutie. She will make a fine pirate.

Anonymous said...

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David said...

Arrr... What be this here? I do no be liking the sound of this scallywag's diction. It be sounding like we be under fire from yonder automaton thar. Man the cannonades and make to cross her bow!