Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Old .22 Rifle - Before, During, and After

This is a follow up post about Great Grandfather's old (naturally) .22 rifle. I mentioned having finished the refinishing for this old workhorse from the farm but I never posted the pictures. That is about to be corrected.

To Recap, this is what the rifle looked like when I got it from Uncle Rich. It looked like it had served long and hard depopulating the fields of groundhogs.

Here it is in the middle of stripping and sanding the stock.

And the final product. I went with a darker stain and a nice dark bluing on the barrel. All that is left is to grind off the old chrome on the bolt and blue that up. But I am in no rush.

And how does it shoot, you might ask? Intermittently. We had a bunch of "no fires" when we took it out a couple of months ago. I was using cheap Remington ammo and it was raining so more testing is required to determine where the fault lies. I'm looking forward to it.

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